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In developed urban areas the zone generally extends inland less than 1,000 yards.Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 30103(a) specifically defines California's Coastal Zone as that land and water area of the State of California from the Oregon border to the border of the Republic of Mexico depicted on maps identified and set forth in Section 17 of that chapter of the Statutes of the 1975-76 Regular Session enacting PRC Division 20 (the Coastal Act of 1976). PRC Section 30103(b) directed the Coastal Commission to prepare and adopt more detailed 1:24,000 scale Coastal Zone Boundary (CZB) maps, which occurred March 1, 1977. These 161 adopted maps provide the official basis for all other representations of the landward CZB, including this one. 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Was shown as SR in error, possibly from earlier BLA.09-16-2015: CORRECTION: APN 027-221-05 changed from [City of Point Arena] to RL, per LCP map.10-02-2015: CORRECTION: APN 143-161-18 omitted from zoning. Added back into RR-10 classification.03-08-2016: ORDINANCE NO 4347 changed the zoning of APN 170-160-01 from AG to R3 (4.39±) AND R1 (12.63±). Also, misc spatial corrections from Parcels 10-2015 done.03-18-2016: ORDINANCE NO 4317 changed the zoning of APNs 178-190-06, 178-200-01, 178-220-01, 179-130-01 from RL to R1.04-18-2016: ORDINANCE NO 4335 changed the zoning of APNs 002-010-10, 002-020-05, 002-040-40, 41, 002-050-14, 15 from I1 to C2:CR. Also changed 002-050-16, 17 from I1 to R3:CR. Contract recorded as instrument number 2015-06141.09-01-2016: ORDINANCE NO 4357 changed the zoning of APNs 169-242-11, 12 from C2 to I2.11-08-2016: CORRECTION: APN 069-310-44 changed to C1. Was shown as RL in error. Adopted per inland zoning printout 81/82, no ORD to change.07-24-2017: ORDINANCE NO 4354 changed the zoning of APN 026-600-28 from FL to TP.08-14-2017: ORDINANCE NO 4369 changed the zoning of APN 046-550-76 from RL to TP. 08-24-2017: CORRECTION: APN 143-060-01 changed from RR 5/RR5-DL to RR5(RR4)/RR5-DL-PD(RR4-DL-PD) by ORD 3948. Corrected the missed ordinance.02-15-2018: ORDINANCE NO 4382 changed the zoning of APNs 170-120-09, 12 from I1 to C2.04-17-2018: ORDINANCE NO 4407 changed the zoning of APNs 033-040-48, 49 from PF to FL.05-08-2018: ORDINANCE NO 4409 changed the zoning of APN 029-370-11 from RR-5 to RR-10.11-05-2018: ORDINANCE NO 4415 changed the zoning of APNs 170-100-37, 41 from I1 to C2:CR12-05-2018: ORDINANCE NO 4419 changed the zoning of APN 169-071-23 from RR-1 to SR01-14-2019: ORDINANCE NO 4423 changed the zoning of APN 184-140-17 from AG to I204-26-2019: ORDINANCE NO 4428 changed the zoning of APNs 131-110-07, 132-210-37x, 38x, 39x 40x, and 41 from RL to TP.04-26-2019: ORDINANCE NO 4429 changed the zoning on the inland portion of APNs 131-110-16, 17 from RL to TP.06-04-2019: ORDINANCE NO 4427 changed the zoning of APNs 046-070-26, 27, 28 from RR-5 & RC to C2:CR07-23-2019: ORDINANCE NO 4434 changed the zoning of APNs 163-090-05 and a portion of 163-082-09 from RR-1 to RR-1008-01-2019: CORRECTION to multiple PD and CR districts. Changed symbology to match adopted Ordinances11-19-2019: ORDINANCE NO 4437 changed the zoning of APN 162-100-55 from C-1 to C-2 with a CC combining district11-19-2019: ORDINANCE NO 4439 changed the zoning of APN 125-090-40 from RR-2 to RR-1011-20-2019: ORDINANCE NO 4440 changed the zoning of APN 169-242-08 from C-2 to I-111-25-2019: CORRECTION: APN 184-110-21 changed from SR to R-3 by ORD 4195", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 102642, "latestWkid": 2226 }, "copyrightText": "Russell Ford, Planner III, Mendocino County Planning & Building Services, March, 2016. 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